Fiona Paul – Review For Caroline Ingraham’s Book Help Your Dog Heal Itself
This is an exceptionally in-depth book - 'How Animals Heal Themselves' is a combination of 30 years dedication and I feel, Carolines true 'innate self-belief' that animals can and should have the opportunity to 'innately self-select' healing themselves emotionally and physically. This book is a great follow on from her last book 'Animal Aromatics' as it gives detailed information regarding the science behind this subject and why an animal would choose a particular herb, oil or plant extract over another when coupled with the symptoms it is displaying or has been diagnosed with. This enables animal owners/carers and animal practitioners to utilize this valuable resource to bring well-being to many animals. I applaud Caroline for her dedication and what she has done for the animal kingdom and I applaud any animal owner/carer or animal practitioner/healer that utilizes and promotes Applied Zoopharmacognosy as an integral part of the animals health and well-being.
Caroline Ingraham - Animal Self-Medication Book
Fiona Paul